Category Archives: Food, Health, Cosmetic & Medicine

Food, Health and Medicine

Waking up early in the morning Pros and Cons

Waking up early in the morning Pros and Cons

Waking up early can have different effects on different people, depending on their sleep habits, lifestyle, and preferences. Some people may enjoy waking up early and feel more alert, productive, and energetic throughout the day. Others may find it difficult and unpleasant to wake up early and feel more tired, groggy, and irritable.

There are many factors that can influence how you feel when you wake up early, such as:

• Your circadian rhythm, which is your body’s internal clock that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Your circadian rhythm can be affected by your exposure to light, your daily routine, your age, and your genetics. If you wake up early in sync with your circadian rhythm, you may feel more refreshed and awake. If you wake up early against your circadian rhythm, you may feel more sleepy and sluggish.

• Your sleep quality and quantity, which are determined by how well and how long you sleep. If you wake up early after getting enough sleep (usually 7 to 9 hours for adults), you may feel more rested and ready to start your day. If you wake up early after getting insufficient or interrupted sleep, you may feel more exhausted and drowsy.

• Your sleep hygiene, which is the set of habits and practices that promote good sleep. If you wake up early after following good sleep hygiene, such as having a regular bedtime, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and keeping your bedroom dark and quiet, you may feel more relaxed and calm. If you wake up early after following poor sleep hygiene, such as staying up late, using screens or devices before bed, and having a noisy or bright bedroom, you may feel more stressed and anxious.

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Waking up early can have some benefits, such as:

• Giving you more time to do things in the morning, such as exercising, meditating, reading, or planning your day.

• Boosting your mood and mental health, as you may feel more accomplished, motivated, and optimistic.

• Improving your productivity and performance, as you may be able to focus better, solve problems faster, and make better decisions.

• Enhancing your health and well-being, as you may be able to improve your metabolism, immune system, and cardiovascular function.

However, waking up early can also have some drawbacks, such as:

• Making you feel more tired and sleepy during the day, especially if you don’t get enough sleep or take naps.

• Reducing your creativity and flexibility, as you may be more prone to following routines and rules, and less open to new ideas and experiences.

• Increasing your risk of developing mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, especially if you have a genetic predisposition or a history of mental illness.

• Affecting your social and personal life, as you may have less time and energy to spend with your friends, family, and hobbies.


Ultimately, how you feel when you wake up early depends on your individual preferences, needs, and goals. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether waking up early is good or bad for you. You may want to experiment with different wake-up times and see how they affect your mood, energy, and performance. You may also want to use some tools, such as the RISE app. It will help you track your sleep and optimize your circadian rhythm. The most important thing is to find a sleep schedule that works for you and makes you feel happy and healthy.

Genetic testing pros and cons

Genetic Testing Pros and Cons

Genetic testing is a type of medical test that is usually performed to detect genetic disorders if any by identifying the changes in chromosomes, genes, or proteins. A genetic disorder or disease can be self-developed or may be inherited from the ancestors. With all the benefits of genetic testing, it is better to consider the negatives of it too. Listed below are a few pros and cons of Genetic Testing.

Pros of Genetic Testing

  • Genetic testing can be carried out at any given point of time in one’s life.
  • With genetic testing, you can be aware of the disease or disorder you are having. This early diagnosis of the disease will greatly help in faster treatment. Also, it will help you know more about the genetic disease and how will it affect other family members.
  • Early diagnosis of the disease can become a blessing for some people. There is a satisfaction that they did not pass any gene abnormality to their children.
  • Genetic testing is also helpful when there is any custody of the child. This will act as evidence for the parenthood of a person.
  • With proper treatment of the disorder beforehand, they can have children free of the disorder. Also, they can decide whether to have a child or not because there is a high risk of their child developing the condition.
    Genetic testing pros and cons

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  • There is a high physical risk with many genetic testing even though the test only requires blood or tissue samples. For a pregnant mother, genetic testing involves the acquisition of amniotic fluid around the fetus. This fluid is dangerous to the fetus and the mother may suffer from miscarriage.
  • There is no accurate result produced as the proteins from the tissue samples are more unstable than the gene itself. The deterioration of samples may give uneven results.
  • The price of the test depends on the test you are going to perform. The average cost of genetic testing in the US ranges from less than $100 to $2,000! Thus, the test may not be affordable to every family.
  • The result of genetic testing may create an emotional trauma in a family. It is very hard to accept that the person has a certain disease or disorder.
  • Furthermore, conditions of Genetic discrimination may take place. A person may feel that s/her is discriminated against due to the fact that he/she possesses a genetic abnormality that increases the chances of him/her developing a certain genetic disorder.

Hence, these are a few of the pros and cons of genetic testing. It is good to find out that your next generation is safer in medical terms. But there are cons to it as well as if you find something, it will trouble you mentally. Study the proper genetic testing pros and cons before you decide to make any decision.

Bone Marrow Donation

Bone Marrow Donation: Pros And Cons

Bone Marrow is found in the center of most bones. Inside the bone, it has many blood vessels. The blood vessels feel soft and spongy. The bone marrow is also known as stem cells. We can find two types of bone marrow in the human body. They are red and yellow bone marrow. There is blood stems cells in the Red Bone Marrow which later become red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC). And in the case of Yellow Bone Marrow, is made of mostly fats that contain stem cells which become cartilage, fat, or bone cells. That is why Bone Marrow Donation is attended.

Bone Marrow produces and distributes RBC and WBC in the body. So, overall it functions as the source of RBC and WBC.  And it will help you with fighting diseases and many more other functions of the body.

What is Bone Marrow Donation?

In simple form, Bone Marrow Donation is the process of donating your healthy stem cells or also called blood-forming cells to the required patient. It is done for the treatment of their destroyed cells due to various reasons. So, such healthy stem cells are generated by the Bone Marrow from the donor. And, it is collected or extracted by the doctors for donation. It also helps them to re-generate the RBC and WBC in their body. So, it helps to function well again.

Bone Marrow Donation Process:

There are three processes the Bone Marrow Process is done. They are as follows:

  1. Autologous: The process involves using the patient’s own stem cells collected before treatment and using them later on.
  2. Allogeneic: There is the involvement of related or unrelated donor who gives the stem cells from their bone marrow.
  3. Syngeneic: It is the rare process where an exact twin or identical twin donates the stem cell for the other.

Generally, the process is done by collecting healthy stem cells from the donor. And later on, it is injected inside the patent body to help them grow the healthy blood cells again. It is done in the hospital operating room. Doctors attend the surgical process to donate the Bone Marrow. The donor’s liquid marrow is extracted from both sides of the back of the pelvic bone. Needles are used by doctors to withdraw the liquid marrow. Anesthesia is supplied. So, both the donor and patient feel no pain during the donation. And such liquid marrow is transported to the patients’ location for transplant. It is also called the stem cell donation process or bone marrow donor procedure.

Who cannot Donate Bone Marrow?

There are numerous factors affecting donors from donating their Bone Marrow. The main factors are age, allergies, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disease, blood pressure, breathing problems, sleep apnea. Besides, it also has other factors like cancer, mental health, cold/flu, depression, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease. And, last but not least like AIDS/HIV, pregnancy, piercing (body, skin, ear), tattoos, Tuberculosis, weight, and many more. So, you have to fulfill the criteria of doctors’ recommendation to transplant the bone marrow effectively.

So, let us discuss what are the positive results you are getting from the Bone Marrow Donation. Also, what are the negative side effects you are getting from the Bone Marrow Donation?


  1. It is very good for the treatment or replacing the damaged cell by excessive chemotherapy or radiation. In summary, it is good for cancer patients to help them recover.
  2. The procedure can cure acute and chronic leukemia as well.
  3. If the patient is suffering from immune deficiencies then getting a donation from a strong immune body can help build the patients’ immune system.
  4. The transplant is also best for POEMS syndrome as well.
  5. The Bone Marrow Transplant can cure Adrenoleukodystrophy, Aplastic anemia, Bone marrow failure syndromes, Hemoglobinopathies, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Inborn errors of metabolism, Multiple myeloma, Myelodysplastic syndromes, Neuroblastoma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Plasma cell disorders, Primary amyloidosis, and so on.

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  1. You have to consider many health factors before Bone Marrow Donation. So, if any factors seem to affect the healthy bone marrow then it will create complications in Bone Marrow transplants.
  2. Both donor and receiver get the side effects for short term as well minor long term effects after transplant. The symptoms may include nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, Hair loss, mouth sores or ulcer, Infection, Bleeding, Anemia, Fatigue, and many more for both parties.
  3. There can be complications such as Organ damage. It is quite scary for after-effects changes.
  4. You can even get Liver or kidney problems as well.
  5. There can be a major problem in Infertility or sterility too. It will affect your sexual health. It is a big negative side effect for young people.

Final Verdict:

Everyone doesn’t need to face the side effects. However, you can categorize it as short-term (less dangerous) side effects and long-term (more dangerous) side effects. But if both the giver and receiver consult their doctors properly and fulfill all the requirements for Bone Marrow Donation both teams will have fewer side effects or no effects at all. So, consider your situation and you can take your measures according to your required situation.

Pros & Cons of Epidemiology

Pros & Cons of Epidemiology

Introduction to EpidemiologyEpidemiology is the study of a particular pre-defined population for various diseases & health conditions. It is the basic necessity for proper public health & welfare. Here, concerned people also define it as the study of reoccurrence of various diseases in different age groups & why. In this case, Epidemiology helps in proper planning & policy shaping along with identification of various risk factors for effective healthcare. In summary, the Epidemiological studies can be classified into two types as listed hereafter.

  • Observational Study
  • Interventional Study

We can classify Observational studies into two types. They are: – Descriptive & Analytical Epidemiological studies. For instance, Descriptive Epidemiology deals with the determination of the pattern of disease occurrence. As a result, it focuses mainly on the person, time, place & clinical information. Similarly it also depends on various cultural & demographic information’s which may result in disease formation.

Likewise, Analytical Epidemiology deals with the testing & validation of the various conclusions & hypothesis derived from Descriptive Epidemiology. Here we can further classify it into three types as shown below.

  • Cohort Study
  • Cross Sectional Study
  • Ecological Study

As an example, Cross sectional studies in Epidemiology measures the causes & effects of diseases found among one or more exposed population group. Hence the exposure data simultaneously ascertain with the disease information. Some of the advantages of Cross Sectional Studies are:

  • Its economical & less time consuming
  • Multiple uses of acquired data
  • Captures a certain period of time frame

As we have the general idea about Epidemiology, some of its pros & cons are listed hereafter.

Pros & Cons of Epidemiology

Pros or Benefits of Epidemiology

  • Epidemiology helps in benchmarking the intensity of crisis & also monitors its evolution over time. As a result, this enables in the direct estimation of the relative risk with study of more than one risk factor.
  • Epidemiology encourages the formulation of effective trial along with increase in strength of conclusions. Hence, this can help in the generalization of the obtained results for a larger population group.
  • Epidemiology can also improve the accuracy of the estimates through the use of multiple data sets. Thus, this drastically increases the statistical ability to detect unwanted effects.

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Cons or Disadvantage of Epidemiology

  • The most apparent disadvantage of Epidemiology is its huge requirements of various resources like manpower, funds & time. Furthermore proper follow up procedures also require a long period of time.
  • Epidemiology is dependent on valid data & information. Hence, it is also affected by the rapid changes in health & nutritional status of the emergency affected populations. As a result, the conclusions & recommendations drawn can be useless as they can be out of date in such areas.
  • Due to negligence with the data gathered through Epidemiology, many important decisions are not made as per the data & evidence provided which may result in irrational decisions & policies.

In Conclusion

Epidemiology is an important subject for the proper understanding of the health priorities in any place. It helps in identifying the needy population groups, severe diseases, disabilities, calamities etc. & provides proper assistance to the needy. Furthermore Epidemiology is an important component for various relief operations. Lastly it can also provide light to the suffering experienced by the affected population making it a critical area of study.

Spinal cord stimulator

Spinal Cord Stimulator Pros and Cons

A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is a small medical device that is employed to mask pain signals before they reach the brain. It also refers to as Dorsal Column Stimulator. Generally, the Spinal cord stimulator generates a small electric impulse in the selected area of the spinal cord. So, it helps ease the pain of the patients. Therefore it is assumed as a viable option to the people tormented by severe back, leg, or arm pain without the use of medicines or therapy.

A spinal cord stimulator doesn’t eliminate the pain. It only changes how the brain perceives the pain. In short, the amount of pain relief felt varies for each person. As a result, it cannot guarantee to work for everyone. Considering this, a trial simulation is provided for a week. In case, the simulation fails to provide relief, we can remove SCS without any permanent damage to the spinal cord. Generally, the goal for a spinal cord stimulator is 50-70% pain relief to the individual.

The spinal cord stimulator was first used in 1971 with the report of its analgesic properties. Since then there had been a lot of development and making it a proven method of treatment today. Today we use a spinal cord stimulator for back pain surgery, complex regional pain syndrome, nerve damages, etc. Various companies have their own version of spinal cord stimulator with Wave Writer Alpha, Intellis Spinal Cord Simulation Platform, etc. being some examples.

In short, here are some pros and cons of the spinal cord stimulator.

Pros of spinal cord stimulator:

  1. Spinal cord stimulation relieves people from unbearable pain. Also, the pain relief is adjustable as per the patient’s request. Thus it can also enable the patients to take part in various recreational activities like swimming, running, etc. As a result, it also helps bring back joy into people’s life.
  2. Spinal cord stimulation is reversible with very few aftereffects to the patients. The patients can have a trial simulation for a week. In the off chance that it doesn’t provide the desired results, spinal cord stimulation can be removed with ease with no visible drawbacks.
  3. The surgery required for the spinal cord stimulator is quite minimal. Only a small incision is made for inserting the device with no aftereffects. Also, it can target specific nerves for proper pain relief to the patients.
  4. Spinal cord stimulation requires no medical prescription after the surgery. The patients do not require to consume medicines on the regular basis. Furthermore, it is more effective than traditional therapies.

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  1. The results of spinal cord stimulation vary from person to person. Some may feel relief while others can have no effect at all. As the results are not consistent, we cannot use it for all patients.
  2. Spinal cord stimulation requires the patient to have surgery for the procedure. There is always a risk of infection and bleeding in even the basic surgeries. Furthermore, it can also result in the leakage of spinal fluid which can result in headaches.
  3. The average cost of spinal cord stimulation is around $7,000-$10,000 which is not cheap by any means. Also, the price is susceptible to change depending on the location. Thus limiting its accessibility as many people can’t afford such a large amount. Furthermore, the patients should change the using generator batteries in the device after every 2-3 years which also can result in additional costs.

Although Spinal Cord Simulation won’t work for all people, it’s worth taking a test to know if we are a good candidate. Many patients report a 50%-70% decrease in pain after spinal cord stimulation. Thus, we can hope that will make our pain more manageable and bearable. With the rapid technological growth, we can believe that it can be an effective alternative to medications and therapies. Hence, if someone having severe pain for a long time, it can be worth a try.


Oncology Pros and Cons

The basic concept of Oncology can be taken as the study and treatment of cancer or tumors. Medical Doctors who study cancers and their treatment are known as oncologists. The oncologist is also the one who provides medical care and consultation regarding cancer treatment.

Among the oncology, there are various areas. Those areas mainly are being Medical, Surgical, and radiation.

Medical oncologist deals cancer or tumor with chemotherapy or medicines. Surgical oncologists are proficient in treating cancer through surgery. They remove tumors and tissue. While radiation oncologists use radiation therapy to treat cancer.

Even though oncology may seem great in treating very serious diseases like cancer but there are always some downsides in it. Cancer is not an illness that can be taken lightly. Besides, a single patient might need a team of specialists just for him or her.

Here are some points regarding the benefits and downside of oncology.

Pros of Oncology:

1. Treatment is more beneficial to the patient:

Among those cancer patients who receive treatment through oncologists have a greater likelihood of full recovery. Quicker recovery means that there are fewer drugs taken resulting in minimum damage to the body. Also, less time spends in the hospital means less money spent on treatment.

2. Better and effective drugs:

For oncology, there are more types of effective drugs available in the market. So, they are much needed by the patients and there is always an influx of newer drugs in the market. Those newer drugs are more effective and increase the recovery rate. This is very important for all patients around the world.

3. Choices for treatment of the various type of cancer:

Among various types of cancer, patients’ oncologists might suggest the best type of treatment for them. They can choose the method of treatment for themselves rather than going whatever decides for them.

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1. Possible side effects:

There are many side effects with the treatment with oncology. The treatment Chemotherapy, radiation, and others can result in a loss in hairs and weakness. And also it is mentally very tiring to go through such treatment every once in a while. It may also weaken some healthy tissue as well.

2. Very costly:

All treatment for cancer patients needs time and lots of resources. Those oncologists and drugs they use are not cheap either. As a result, a patient needs to pour their money for treatment. Additionally, they take risk of the recurrence of cancer. So the expenses become very high.

Many Oncologists are researching cancer cells and how to effectively cure them. Those people are the frontiers in oncology. And there has been some breakthrough in their researches. So, with rapid development in medicine and drugs along with medical technology, the success rate for treatment is increasing gradually.

As for many hospitals and medical centers around the world, oncologists are still trying to find new ways to deals with the disease. More the research is continued in the sectors more new possible paths for treatment can be found.

Oncology still provides the best method available for cancer treatment. Despite all those downsides, it is successful in treating many cancer patients around the world.

Night Shift Nurses

Night Shift Nurses Pros and Cons

The nurse personnel working during the night in the healthcare organizations are generally known as Night shift nurses. Above all, their contributions to the well-being of the patients are underappreciated by society. They work while the others sleep with constant monitoring while being on standby in case of any emergency. Hence they are one of the most misunderstood and undervalued night shift jobs in existence.

The duration of the night shift varies from each healthcare facility and hospital. Generally, the night shift starts at 11 PM and ends at 7 AM. While some nurses can start their shift as early as 8 PM, they usually return home in the morning. As an example, the nurses sleep for a certain time during their shifts. The nap time usually lasts for about 90 minutes at a time. This enables the nurses to be alert and more productive. The nurses can also use their lunch break as nap time during extreme situations. Thus the best night shift schedules for nurses always incorporate a certain amount of nap times during shifts.

Night shift nurses also try to stick to the same sleep schedules every day of the week. This helps to align their body clock with their sleep schedule. Proper working conditions are required for maintaining the good health of the nurses during their shifts. As such, some of the pros and cons of night shift nurses are shown hereafter.

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Pros of night shift nurses

  1. They have the benefit of being hired easily. They also have a close work relationship with each other. As the workplace is less hectic and tense during the night, they can foster very close friendships. Good coworkers are also essential to attain the quality of work-life in any workplace.
  2. They also enjoy higher pay than others. Although the working hours may be the same, night shift nurses are generally compensated more. Proper compensation can be a way to motivate the nurses during their job.
  3. Working during the night can also provide us with more family time with our loved ones. A night shift nurse can spend their valuable time with their children, husband, parents, etc. easily while they work. Furthermore, it also helps the nurses to attend various important activities easily.
  4. The nurses can also uplift their educational background while working a night shift. Many educational institutions operate during the day, which provides time to further their studies. This can help build their career while having a stable source of income.

Cons of night shift nurses

  1. They are found to have poor health conditions. They are also very susceptible to have chronic diseases and organ failure in the long run. The mortality rate is also 11% higher while working during the night for a long period of time.
  2. They can also suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. As they have a hard time falling asleep during the day, this can also hamper the mental health of the nurses. They are also very prone to depression and have weak mental health.
  3. Many nurses find it hard to control their eating habits during the night shift. Constant intake of food can result in unwanted weight gain and obesity. They can be fatal in the long run. Furthermore, there is also the risk of diabetes due to food consumption during the night.

Our final thoughts

Night shift nurses are some of the most important health workers in medical organizations. They sacrifice their sleep and dedicate themselves to the care of others. This can seriously affect their health in the long run. Hence, we should appreciate their contributions and treat them with respect. Furthermore, we should try to create a proper and stress-free working environment for them.


Immunotherapy Pros and Cons

Immunotherapy is generally the therapy that treats diseases either by suppressing or activating the immune system. The next term for this is Biological therapy. Incidentally, the treatment of cancer cells using immunotherapy is called immuno-oncology. For the most part immunotherapy drugs work for some patients. However, there is no guarantee that it works for all. Hence the overall response rate is around 15-20 percent.

This therapy can treat various types of cancers like lung cancer, melanoma, leukemia, etc. In this case, cancer cells create a protein called PD-L1 which blocks the immune system from attacking them. As such, current immunotherapy-approved drugs disrupt the communication between the PD-L1 protein and the cancer cells. This helps detect the cancer cells in our body and helps to fight them. Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) drug, in particular, has been approved for certain patients with melanoma along with breast cancer, cervical cancer, and other solid tumors.

Immunotherapy is an expensive method of treatment for cancer cells. Above all, these therapy treatments are meticulously time-consuming to make. Sometimes it needs to be personalized for each patient. Hence it can easily cost over $100,000 a year with the additional cost of drugs bringing the price over $200,000 a year. In the meantime, it has many types. So, as per the patient’s requirements, we can use them. Below are some of the types:

  1. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
  2. Adoptive Cell Therapies
  3. Monoclonal Antibodies.
  4. Oncolytic Virus Therapy
  5. Cancer Vaccines etc.

Pros of immunotherapy:

  1. Immunotherapy has a higher rate of success than other methods of treatment for cancer. Some cancers particularly skin cancer don’t react well to chemotherapy or radiation. So, immunotherapy can treat those types of cancers.
  2. Immunotherapy trains our immune system to remember cancer cells. Thus it prevents the return of cancer after it’s treated once. Similarly, immunotherapy also helps other treatment methods work better if done together.
  3. Immunotherapy only targets cancer cells without hampering other healthy cells in the patients. As it can be tailored as per the need, there is personalized and precise cancer treatment. Also, there are fewer side effects as compared to other methods of treatment.
  4. Immunotherapy holds the potential to treat many different kinds of cancer. To begin with, our immune system is capable of eliminating almost all types of cancer under the right conditions. Hence the only challenge is to create effective treatments that allow the Immune system to operate as intended.

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Cons of immunotherapy:

  1. Immunotherapy is a time and labor-consuming treatment. Considering this, the cost of immunotherapy treatment is also high. Many cases may require engineering the patient’s individual immune cells requiring additional cost and labor.
  2. There are instances of various side effects like itching, redness, swelling, etc. after the use of immunotherapy. In the worst-case scenario, there is also the probability of organ failure or permanent damages to the patient. Thus resulting in more harm than good.
  3. Immunotherapy doesn’t work for all people. In the current scenario, it only works on less than half of the people who try it. On the off chance, it may stop working at all. The effectiveness degrades as used regularly by the patient’s body. Hence, cancer cannot fully heal as it may return.

Our final thoughts

Immunotherapy is not always effective but it is a viable option. As it has a higher success rate than other methods it’s worth a try. Here it may be able to increase the lifespan of the individual if not completely heal them. With various clinical trials done regularly, we can believe that it will eventually have a higher rate of success. Furthermore with various advances in medical science, someday it can be cheaper than today. This may allow it to be accessible for a lot more people. As of now, it is more of an extension than a cure.


Antibiotics Pros and Cons

We all have taken antibiotics at some point in our lives. We generally take Antibiotics as medicines. It helps to cure bacterial infections in our bodies. By using antibiotics in our body it induces an immune response which fights the bacteria. The immune system of the body is then increased creating an environment unsuitable for bacterial growth.

There are various forms of antibiotics in the market. There are pills, spray, liquid or ointment, and creams. For any bacterial infection, suitable types of antibiotics are used. Patients need to take injections for more serious cases of bacterial infection.

After the general information, we should learn about the benefits and drawbacks of the drug. Here are some of them compiled for you.

Pros of Antibiotics:

1. Cures various types of infections:

It can help the human immune system to fight against many types of bacteria and reduce their growth. As a result, it cures the infection caused by such bacteria.

2. Quick response:

Once our body is provided the antibiotics then the drug will act quickly. The response to the drug is as fast as few hours after injection. So, we can use them and get results very fast.

3. Easy to use:

Most antibiotics are given orally in form of pills. Also, there are other kinds depending on the types of infection. For skins or wounds, there are various types of creams and sprays which work just like it.

4. Affordable to all:

The main benefit of antibiotics is the price and availability. They are available at a very affordable price in almost any medical clinic. However, Antibiotics’ price may vary from the type you are using.

5. Surgical use:

Surgeons use antibiotics after surgery to prevent any infections in the place of surgery. This helps patients recover faster and prevent further complications.

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1. Not suitable using continuously:

If you take antibiotics for an extended period, then your body gradually develops resistance to the drug. The resistance developed, will then cause the drug to become ineffective.
For the prolonged duration of use, there is the possibility of kidney problems too.

2. Patients may have side effects:

Some patients may develop side effects after the use of the drug. Also, the side effect may range from fever to digestive problems. Some might show severe allergic reactions to drugs too.
So one must be sure of what type of drug are they using.

With all those pros and cons discussed, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. If that was not the case then the use of antibiotics would not have spread around the globe. It helps us to fight diseases and stop them from turning into something serious. So, medical practitioners do recommend using it.

One thing that users might need to understand about antibiotics is that it is used for bacterial infection, not viral infections. So, it will not work in the illness or diseases that are concerned with viruses like flu, common cold, and others.

The use of antibiotics should always be on the prescription of doctors. Besides, it will help the patients to recover faster and not have any side effects. So always listen to your doctors.

Pros and Cons of Protein Shakes

Pros and Cons of Protein Shakes

Protein is taken as an essential factor in promoting the growth of muscle mass as well as its maintenance. Protein shakes are most often taken by athletes and dieters as an easy way to build muscle or lose weight. They are taken a dietary supplement. So, it is used to lose weight and improve athletic performance. It also has a positive impact on recovery times after an intensive workout. It is mostly found in the market as a ready-made product or in powder form to be created at home by mixing it with water, milk, or other fluids. This shake acts as a quick, convenient meal substitute or a supplement to the diet. Lets’ explore the possible pros and cons of Protein Shakes today!

Below listed are the pros and cons of protein shakes that need to be considered before adding them to your diet routine:

Pros and Cons of Protein Shakes

Image: The Independent


  1. Effective weight maintenance

Keeping a protein shake in your diet routine provides an opportunity for losing weight or maintaining the current weight. Making it a meal replacement program, the individual trying to lose weight can lose maximum weight when compared to the individual following a standard diet because the protein shake has fewer calories than any full meal.

  1. Convenient

In comparison to meal drinking, a shake is fast and convenient. It just takes a few minutes to prepare the shake and it makes you feel as full as a balanced meal. Also, you can add fresh fruits to the shake to maintain a nutritional profile.

  1. They are affordable.

The price per serving is less than $0.50 though you may pay upwards of $100 for a protein shakes to mix. The container has multiple shakes which is the reason why the cost per serving is reduced dramatically.

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Cons of Protein Shakes

  1. Nutritional loss.

Although protein shakes are taken as a supplement to a meal, they cannot be a full meal replacement. Even though high levels of carbohydrates and fats are included in the formula of the shake, the levels of nutrients and antioxidants found in a full meal are not found in a protein shake.

  1. No instant success.

A protein shake can help people lose weight or improve their workout performance but it may not give instant success. However, in some cases, a protein shake can cause people to gain weight instead of losing it which is not muscular weight.

  1. Doesn’t taste very good.

It is very challenging to drink the protein shake because its unique flavor is difficult to adjust. Even though multiple flavors are available, many people add an extra flavoring to the shake to make it palatable.

So, These were the pros and cons of protein shakes which can be a tool to improve personal health, but it always is not the right choice for everyone.